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BrickMMO Stacks

The BrickMMO Smart City was initially designed to provide developers with a sandbox to practice their coding skills. The BrickMMO Smarty City consists of over 30 online assets, from BrickMMO Branding Guidelines, to the project management application Flow, to the official BrickMMO Website.

To provide some consistency, all BrickMMO assets use one of four stacks for the frontend, and one of three stacks for the backend. These stack range in complexity to allow any developer with any level of experience to contribute.

Frontend Templates

All BrickMMO assets use one of the following frontend stacks:

1. Markdown

Skill Level Required: Low
Language: Markdown and HTML

These assets are written primarily in Markdown (or vanilla HTML when required). Markdown must follow _readme guidelines. Assets are hosted using GitHub Pages and uses GitHub’s Markdown processor called jekyll-commonmark.

View the BrickMMO Markdown Template

2. W3.CSS

Skill Level Required: Moderate
Languages: HTML, JavaScript, and W3.CSS

These assets are written using the W3.CSS CSS framework. This is a super lightweight framework that provides developers a great introduction to CSS frameworks. These assets must be coded using only W3.CSS classes; no custom CSS may be added (other than default fonts and colours that have been set in the W3.CSS BrickMMO template).

View the BrickMMO W3.CSS Template

3. Bootstrap

Skill Level Required: Moderate
Language: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap

These assets are written using the Bootstrap CSS framework. This is an open-source CSS framework. These assets must be coded using only Bootstrap classes and components; no custom CSS may be added (other than default fonts and colours that have been set in the Bootstrap BrickMMO template)

View the BrickMMO Bootstrap Templates

4. React/MUI

Skill Level Required: Advanced
Language: React, MUI

These assets are written using React and MUI. The assets also use the Weebee React/MUI template.

View the BrickMMO React/MUI Template

Backend Stacks

All BrickMMO assets use one of the following backend stacks:

1. Vanillia PHP

Skill Level Required: Moderate
Language: PHP

View the BrickMMO Vanillia PHP Template

2. Laravel/PHP

Skill Level Required: Moderate
Language: PHP

View the BrickMMO Laravel/PHP Template

3. Node.js

Skill Level Required: Moderate
Language: Node.js

View the BrickMMO Node.js Template